Results for 'J. Santiago Pons'

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  1.  12
    EDDINGTON, ARTHUR S., The Nature of the Physical World. Gifford Lectures of 1927: An Annotated Edition, Annotated and Introduced by H. G. Callaway, Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2014, 60 + 382 pp. [REVIEW]J. Santiago Pons - 2017 - Anuario Filosófico:427-429.
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    RESTREPO J., MARILUZ Representación, relación triádica en el pensamiento de Charles S. Peirce, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Bogotá, 2010, 274 pp. [REVIEW]J. Santiago Pons - 2011 - Anuario Filosófico 44 (3):649-651.
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    Introducción.José Santiago Pons & Jaime Nubiola - 2016 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 12:17-20.
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    The Science-Religion Conflict and the Difficulty of Accepting Novelties.Santiago Pons - 2022 - Human Review. International Humanities Review / Revista Internacional de Humanidades 11 (1):37-46.
    In the 19th century, the conflict thesis was forged to explain the science-religion relationship. This thesis presents religion as an obstacle to the development of science. Andrew White publishes a book that is at the origin of this thesis and Charles S. Peirce writes a review of this book in which he shows that there is nothing in religion that opposes scientific progress, but points to four human characteristics that offer difficulties in the face of radical novelties. It is interesting (...)
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    El Método Científico Descrito Por Peirce.José Santiago Pons - 2016 - SCIO Revista de Filosofía 12:99-122.
    El acercamiento al conocimiento de la naturaleza requiere una metodología adecuada. En este artículo presento la descripción madura que hace Peirce del método científico articulándolo a partir de los tres modos de inferencia. Esta descripción tiene la ventaja de ser muy clara, ya que asigna un tipo de inferencia distinto a cada etapa del método.
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  6. Measurement of cone density in the human retina by undersampling techniques.A. M. Pons, A. Lorente, J. Malo & J. M. Artigas - 1996 - In Enrique Villanueva, Perception. Ridgeview Pub. Co. pp. 112-112.
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    Mechanisms of suppression: The wiring of genetic resilience.Jolanda van Leeuwen, Carles Pons, Charles Boone & Brenda J. Andrews - 2017 - Bioessays 39 (7):1700042.
    Recent analysis of genome sequences has identified individuals that are healthy despite carrying severe disease‐associated mutations. A possible explanation is that these individuals carry a second genomic perturbation that can compensate for the detrimental effects of the disease allele, a phenomenon referred to as suppression. In model organisms, suppression interactions are generally divided into two classes: genomic suppressors which are secondary mutations in the genome that bypass a mutant phenotype, and dosage suppression interactions in which overexpression of a suppressor gene (...)
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  8. Ethical Attitudes of Accounting Practitioners: Are Rank and Ethical Attitudes Related?Stephen J. Conroy, Tisha L. N. Emerson & Frank Pons - 2010 - Journal of Business Ethics 91 (2):183-194.
    We address a previous finding in the business ethics literature in which accounting professionals in higher rank levels, i.e., “manager” or “partner” of auditing firms, appear to have lower moral reasoning ability than their junior counterparts. Prior investigations have relied upon a similar methodology for estimating ethical beliefs, namely testing “moral reasoning ability” using either the Moral Judgment Interview or Defining Issues Test. In the present study, we use a multiple vignettes approach to test for the existence of the inverse (...)
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    Derrida, la Tradition de la Philosophie.Jacques Derrida, M. Crépon, Frédéric Worms & Alain Badiou (eds.) - 2006 - Paris: Galilée.
    Issu d'un colloque organisé en octobre 2005 à l'Ecole normale supérieure cet ouvrage collectif replace l'oeuvre de J. Derrida au sein de la tradition philosophique. Il interroge ses concepts, sa relation à certaines figures de cette tradition, la transition qu'elle effectue entre plusieurs moments philosophiques. Cet hommage s'attache à commenter l'oeuvre du philosophe mais aussi à la continuer.
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  10. Normative data on the n-back task for children and young adolescents.Santiago Pelegrina, M. Teresa Lechuga, Juan A. García-Madruga, M. Rosa Elosúa, Pedro Macizo, Manuel Carreiras, Luis J. Fuentes & M. Teresa Bajo - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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    Novalis y H. Dreyfus frente a la sobrecarga de información. El fracaso del aspecto epistemológico de la relevancia.Santiago J. Napoli & María Inés Silenzi - 2020 - Eikasia Revista de Filosofía 95:345-367.
    La sobrecarga de información resulta un problema epistemológico que preocupa a distintas áreas del conocimiento tales como al campo de las ciencias cognitivas, en su intento por modelar sistemas capaces de detectar relevancia como a la ya olvidada enciclopedística, practicada durante los siglos XVI- XVIII y abocada a la organización, disposición y difusión de la información científica de la época. El presente artículo intenta dar cuenta del fracaso de estos dos campos de investigación a la hora de hallar soluciones ante (...)
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  12.  12
    Tres definiciones negativas de la enciclopedística de Novalis.Santiago J. Napoli - 2022 - Anales Del Seminario de Historia de la Filosofía 39 (2):371-379.
    This article aims to explore and to analyze three meanings of the project called “encyclopaedistics”, created by the German scientist and thinker Novalis. The examined definitions try to find the identity of this concept through their negative restrictions, namely the various aspects that cannot be applied to the author’s designed conception. In order to accomplish its purpose, this paper focuses on the study of the text entitled Das Allgemeine Brouillon. Materialien zur Enzyklopädistik, where Novalis sketches the notion of encyclopaedistics. This (...)
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  13.  28
    Conservation after Sovereignty: Deconstructing Australian Policies against Horses with a Plea and Proposal.Pablo P. Castelló & Francisco J. Santiago-Ávila - 2022 - Hypatia 37 (1):136-163.
    Conservation scholarship and policies are concerned with the viability of idealized ecological communities constructed using human metrics. We argue that the discipline of conservation assumes an epistemology and ethics of human sovereignty/dominion over animals that leads to violent actions against animals. We substantiate our argument by deconstructing a case study. In the context of recent bushfires in Australia, we examine recent legislation passed by the parliament of New South Wales, policy documents, and academic articles by conservationists that support breaking communities (...)
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  14. J. Derrida: hacia una transformación de la conceptualidad filosófica.Le de Santiago Guervos - 1993 - Estudios Filosóficos 42 (119):101-122.
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    J'ai deux mains et le sentiment du monde.Silviano Santiago & Catherine Charmant - 2012 - Rue Descartes 76 (4):80.
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    “Still Fichte”: Individual, State, and Democracy in J.D. Perón’s Organized Community.Santiago Napoli - 2023 - In María Jimena Solé & Elizabeth Millán Brusslan, Fichte in the Americas. Boston: BRILL. pp. 191-207.
    J. G. Fichte has a prominent place in J. D. Perón’s philosophical-political text from 1949, La Comunidad Organizada (An Organized Community). The name of the German philosopher appears twice throughout the speech given by the president of Argentina at that time. In both mentions by Perón, Fichte plays a role as a moderator between two opposing philosophical tensions and at the same time contributes to a new conception of community outlined by Perón in the context of the first internationally renowned (...)
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    Rank M-type radial basis function (RMRBF) neural network for Pap smear microscopic image classification.Francisco J. Gallegos-Funes, Margarita E. Gómez-Mayorga, José Luis Lopez-Bonilla & Rene Cruz-Santiago - 2009 - Apeiron: Studies in Infinite Nature 16 (4):542-554.
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  18. Del electrón a Dios.Santiago J. Lorén - 1968 - Barcelona,: Plaza & Janés.
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    Scots and Catalans: Union and Disunion by J. H. Elliott.Santiago Zabala - 2020 - Common Knowledge 26 (3):439-440.
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  20.  4
    The two political faces of Janus. A proposal for a justification of the relationship between consensus and conflict in deliberative democracy.Santiago Prono - 2025 - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia) 71:103-123.
    This paper analyses J. Habermas’s theory of deliberative democracy from the point of view of conflict. Leaving aside the external criticisms that object to the validity claims of this political theory, it is argued that, along with the search for consensus, conflict is also constitutive of this theoretical approach to democracy. This relationship (between consensus and conflict) in deliberative democracy is justified by taking into account not only the reconstructive procedure of the pragmatic presuppositions of argumentative discourse that are inherent (...)
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  21.  7
    Las dos caras políticas de Jano. Una propuesta de justificación de la relación entre consenso y conflicto en la democracia deliberativa.Santiago Prono - forthcoming - Estudios de Filosofía (Universidad de Antioquia).
    Se analiza la teoría de la democracia deliberativa de J. Habermas desde el punto de vista del conflicto. La tesis a defender en este trabajo sostiene que, junto con la búsqueda de consensos, el conflicto resulta también constitutivo de aquel planteo teórico respecto de la democracia. Esta relación entre consenso y conflicto en la democracia deliberativa se justifica teniendo en cuenta no solamente el procedimiento reconstructivo de los presupuestos pragmáticos del discurso argumentativo que resultan inherentes a los procesos decisorios, sino (...)
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  22.  29
    La relación entre el 3er conde de Shaftesbury y Johann Georg Hamann. A propósito de Sócrates y el humor.Santiago Rebelles Del Valle - 2022 - Ideas Y Valores 71:203-224.
    Existe una línea temática moderna que vincula el trabajo sobre las fuentes clásicas del 3er conde de Shaftesbury con el mosaico filosófico que más tarde desarrollará Johann Georg Hamann: se trata del “proyecto socrático”, que aparece en el primero bajo la idea de unas Chartae socraticae y será motivación para que Hamann recoja el testigo en sus Memorabilia socratica. Se rastrea las raíces shaftesburianas del Sócrates de Hamann –surgidas de su lectura y traducción de juventud: Sensus communis y Carta sobre (...)
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  23.  20
    El derecho a la crítica en el Estado democrático de derecho.Santiago Nicolás Prono - 2023 - Las Torres de Lucca: Revista Internacional de Filosofía Política 12 (1):41-52.
    La justificación del ejercicio de la crítica como un derecho fundamental en todo ordenamiento democrático viene despertando mayor interés en los últimos tiempos. El presente trabajo se propone analizar este tema desde la democracia deliberativa de J. Habermas, mostrando algunas similitudes, pero también señalando las diferencias conceptuales con la teoría crítica. La idea es identificar el alcance de la herencia conceptual de la Escuela de Frankfurt en la política deliberativa habermasiana, una conexión que en esta teoría siempre resulta solo implícita (...)
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  24.  12
    Giro pragmático y teoría política. Un análisis desde la democracia deliberativa.Santiago Prono - 2015 - Tópicos 30:64-87.
    La relación entre pragmatismo y teoría política viene siendo explorada de diversas maneras en numerosos trabajos que analizan el tema. La idea es explicitar qué recepción lleva a cabo la filosofía política de los presupuestos del pragmatismo. En este contexto, en el presente trabajo se analiza el tema desde la democracia deliberativa de J. Habermas, señalando de qué modo esta teoría política recepta tales presupuestos teniendo en cuenta el marco teórico del discurso argumentativo, que constituye la base filosófica sobre la (...)
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  25.  10
    La relación entre ética y política en la democracia deliberativa. Un análisis crítico de la “Significación moral de la democracia”, de Julio De Zan.Santiago Prono - 2019 - Tópicos:110-130.
    El artículo analiza el problema de la relación entre ética y política teniendo en cuenta para ello el trabajo de J. De Zan sobre la “Significación moral de la democracia”. La idea es complementar, no sin señalamientos críticos, dicho trabajo identificando, en primer lugar, el sentido reconstructivo del planteamiento teórico de la democracia deliberativa de J. Habermas. Para este propósito, se explicita también una parte de sus fundamentos filosóficos, como es la pragmática universal del lenguaje, cuya tematización de las pretensiones (...)
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    El pons scholastiscorum.J. Martín Castro Manzano & Jorge Medina-Delgadillo - 2020 - Dianoia 65 (85):55-72.
    Resumen En esta contribución ofrecemos una interpretación del pons asinorum que se basa en una lógica de términos contemporánea. Esto nos permite revitalizar la idea del pons asinorum para generar el -políticamente correcto- pons scholasticorum, una versión terminística del pons asinorum que conecta la inventio medii con el dictum de omni et nullo.In this contribution we offer an interpretation of the pons asinorum by using a contemporary term logic. This interpretation allows us to revitalize the (...)
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  27.  55
    The Interactive Origin of Iconicity.Mónica Tamariz, Seán G. Roberts, J. Isidro Martínez & Julio Santiago - 2018 - Cognitive Science 42 (1):334-349.
    We investigate the emergence of iconicity, specifically a bouba-kiki effect in miniature artificial languages under different functional constraints: when the languages are reproduced and when they are used communicatively. We ran transmission chains of participant dyads who played an interactive communicative game and individual participants who played a matched learning game. An analysis of the languages over six generations in an iterated learning experiment revealed that in the Communication condition, but not in the Reproduction condition, words for spiky shapes tend (...)
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  28.  94
    Manipulating the Alpha Level Cannot Cure Significance Testing.David Trafimow, Valentin Amrhein, Corson N. Areshenkoff, Carlos J. Barrera-Causil, Eric J. Beh, Yusuf K. Bilgiç, Roser Bono, Michael T. Bradley, William M. Briggs, Héctor A. Cepeda-Freyre, Sergio E. Chaigneau, Daniel R. Ciocca, Juan C. Correa, Denis Cousineau, Michiel R. de Boer, Subhra S. Dhar, Igor Dolgov, Juana Gómez-Benito, Marian Grendar, James W. Grice, Martin E. Guerrero-Gimenez, Andrés Gutiérrez, Tania B. Huedo-Medina, Klaus Jaffe, Armina Janyan, Ali Karimnezhad, Fränzi Korner-Nievergelt, Koji Kosugi, Martin Lachmair, Rubén D. Ledesma, Roberto Limongi, Marco T. Liuzza, Rosaria Lombardo, Michael J. Marks, Gunther Meinlschmidt, Ladislas Nalborczyk, Hung T. Nguyen, Raydonal Ospina, Jose D. Perezgonzalez, Roland Pfister, Juan J. Rahona, David A. Rodríguez-Medina, Xavier Romão, Susana Ruiz-Fernández, Isabel Suarez, Marion Tegethoff, Mauricio Tejo, Rens van de Schoot, Ivan I. Vankov, Santiago Velasco-Forero, Tonghui Wang, Yuki Yamada, Felipe C. M. Zoppino & Fernando Marmolejo-Ramos - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
  29.  10
    Pons Asinorum, or the Future of Nonsense Democritus or the Future of Laughter Mrs Fisher or the Future of Humour, Babel, or the Past, Present and Future of Human Speech: Today and Tomorrow Volume Twenty-Two.Gould Edinger - 2008 - Routledge.
    Pons Asinorum Or The Future of Nonsense George Edinger and E J C Neep Originally published in 1929. "A most entertaining essay, rich in quotation from the old masters of clownship’s craft." Saturday Review The author maintains that true nonsense must be aimless humour – the humour that makes fun as opposed to the humour that makes fun of something. 88pp Democritus Or The Future of Laughter Gerald Gould Originally published in 1929. "Democritus is bound to be among the (...)
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  30.  33
    La revolución científica. J. M. López Piñero, V. Navarro, E. Portela.Santiago Ramirez-Castaneda - 1992 - Isis 83 (1):126-126.
  31. Utilitarismo extensional: el rol de la felicidad según J.S. Mill.David Santiago Mesa Díez - 2024 - Areté. Revista de Filosofía 36 (2):280-311.
    En este artículo mi propósito es mostrar que la idea de felicidad que expone John Stuart Mill está basada en una noción de utilidad que debe entenderse en términos extensionales. Esto significa que para Mill la idea de felicidad no subordina a otros preceptos prácticos –como los de justicia y libertad–, sino que estos comprenden el conjunto de reglas que permiten su realización. Esta posición de Mill, que identifico como “utilitarismo extensional”, me permitirá indicar el rol destacado que ocupa la (...)
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  32.  32
    Impact of Visual Thinking Strategies (VTS) on the Analysis of Clinical Images: A Pre-Post Study of VTS in First-Year Medical Students.Gauri G. Agarwal, Meaghan McNulty, Katerina M. Santiago, Hope Torrents & Alberto J. Caban-Martinez - 2020 - Journal of Medical Humanities 41 (4):561-572.
    To assess the effectiveness of Visual Thinking Strategies in medical education curricula, a pretest–posttest experimental study design was used to evaluate the impact of participating in VTS workshops on first-year medical students. A total of forty-one intervention and sixty comparative students completed the study which included the analysis of clinical images followed by a measurement of word count, length of time analyzing images, and quality of written observations of clinical images. VTS training increased the total number of words used to (...)
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  33.  5
    The Value of Price.Lorenzo Baravalle, Ariel Jonathan Roffé, Victor J. Luque & Santiago Ginnobili - forthcoming - Biological Theory:1-13.
    The Price equation provides a comprehensive representation of evolutionary processes. Since its original formulation by George Price, it has been used to model a variety of phenomena in quantitative genetics and related fields. However, there is no consensus on the explanatory power of the equation. In this article we aim to clarify its place within modern evolutionary theory. To this end, we first state the basic concepts from which the Price equation can be derived as a theorem. From this axiomatization, (...)
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  34.  98
    An Ethical Framework for Research Using Genetic Ancestry.Anna C. F. Lewis, Santiago J. Molina, Paul S. Appelbaum, Bege Dauda, Agustin Fuentes, Stephanie M. Fullerton, Nanibaa' A. Garrison, Nayanika Ghosh, Robert C. Green, Evelynn M. Hammonds, Janina M. Jeff, David S. Jones, Eimear E. Kenny, Peter Kraft, Madelyn Mauro, Anil P. S. Ori, Aaron Panofsky, Mashaal Sohail, Benjamin M. Neale & Danielle S. Allen - 2023 - Perspectives in Biology and Medicine 66 (2):225-248.
    ABSTRACT:A wide range of research uses patterns of genetic variation to infer genetic similarity between individuals, typically referred to as genetic ancestry. This research includes inference of human demographic history, understanding the genetic architecture of traits, and predicting disease risk. Researchers are not just structuring an intellectual inquiry when using genetic ancestry, they are also creating analytical frameworks with broader societal ramifications. This essay presents an ethics framework in the spirit of virtue ethics for these researchers: rather than focus on (...)
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    Development and Validation of a Specific Self-Efficacy Scale in Adherence to a Gluten-Free Diet.Ricardo Fueyo-Díaz, Rosa Magallón-Botaya, Santiago Gascón-Santos, Ángela Asensio-Martínez, Guillermo Palacios-Navarro & Juan J. Sebastián-Domingo - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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    Latin American Perspectives on Globalization: Ethics, Politics, and Alternative Visions.Linda Martín Alcoff, Debra A. Castillo, Santiago Castro-Gómez, Rafael Cervantes Martínez, Felipe Gil Chamizo, Raúl Fornet-Betancourt, Jorge J. E. Gracia, María Mercedes Jaramillo, María Pía Lara-Zavala, Eduardo Mendieta, Walter Mignolo, Iván Petrella, Roberto Regalado Álvarez, Mario Sáenz, Ofelia Schutte & Leopoldo Zea (eds.) - 2002 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    From the most prominent thinkers in Latin American philosophy, literature, politics, and social science comes a challenge to conventional theories of globalization. The contributors to this volume imagine a discourse in which revolution requires no temporalized march of progress or takeovers of state power but instead aims at local control and the material conditions for human dignity.
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  37. La base del desarrollo= The basis of development.Mariano Barbacid, Carlos Martínez Alonso, Manuel Toharia Cortés, Luis Rojas Marcos, Herwig Schooper, Margarita Salas Falgueras, Rafael Rebolo López, Pedro Duque, Francisco J. Carrillo Montesinos & Santiago Grisolía - 2006 - Contrastes: Revista Cultural 44:141-148.
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    Survey on physicians' knowledge and attitudes towards clinical practice guidelines at the Mexican Institute of Social Security.Patricia Constantino-Casas, Consuelo Medécigo-Micete, Yuribia K. Millán-Gámez, Laura D. P. Torres-Arreola, Adriana A. Valenzuela-Flores, Arturo Viniegra-Osorio, Santiago Echevarría-Zuno & Fernando J. Sandoval-Castellanos - 2011 - Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice 17 (4):768-774.
  39.  13
    A Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Framework to Address Cognitive and Neurobehavioral Impairments After Strokes to the Anterior Communicating Artery.Ramiro Cruces, Indhira Muñoz-García, Santiago J. Palmer-Cancel & Christian Salas - 2022 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 16.
    Patients with strokes to the Anterior Communicating Artery pose an important challenge to rehabilitation teams due to a particular mix of cognitive and behavioral impairments. These deficits often compromise engagement with rehabilitation, learning and generalization. The goal of this article is to describe the long-term presentation of a patient with an ACoA stroke as well as her rehabilitation needs and the many challenges experienced by the rehabilitation team when attempting to facilitate functional, vocational and psychosocial recovery. Based on this case, (...)
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    Sexo, sexualidad y bioética.Javier de la Torre, Madrigal Terrazas & J. Santiago (eds.) - 2008 - Madrid: Universidad Pontificia Comillas.
    Un grupo de especialistas se reunieron durante tres días en el XXII Seminario Interdisciplinar de Bioética organizado por la Cátedra de Bioética de la Universidad Pontificia Comillas de Madrid, no simplemente para abordar las cuestiones ...
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    Opponent or allied? An European analysis of the union presence and human resource practices.Inés Martínez-Corts, Juan Pablo Moreno-Beltrán, Santiago Renedo & Francisco J. Medina - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 13.
    Human Resources Practices and unions coexist in some organisations to manage the employment relationships of the workers. In this study, we analyse how the presence/absence of unions and HRPs are combined in private European organisations, and which of these combinations are related to higher levels of wellbeing and the quality of labor relations. Data come from 24,503 workers of private organisations, obtained from the Sixth European Working Conditions Survey. Latent profiles analysis and different analyses of the variance suggested four different (...)
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  42.  38
    Effect of cognitive bias modification-memory on depressive symptoms and autobiographical memory bias: two independent studies in high-ruminating and dysphoric samples.Janna N. Vrijsen, Justin Dainer-Best, Sara M. Witcraft, Santiago Papini, Paula Hertel, Christopher G. Beevers, Eni S. Becker & Jasper A. J. Smits - 2018 - Cognition and Emotion 33 (2):288-304.
    ABSTRACTMemory bias is a risk factor for depression. In two independent studies, the efficacy of one CBM-Memory session on negative memory bias and depressive symptoms was tested in vulnerable samples. We compared positive to neutral CBM-Memory trainings in highly-ruminating individuals and individuals with elevated depressive symptoms. In both studies, participants studied positive, neutral, and negative Swahili words paired with their translations. In five study–test blocks, they were then prompted to retrieve either only the positive or neutral translations. Immediately following the (...)
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    Enrichment metrics for the identification of stabilizers of the telomeric G quartet using genetic algorithm.Melissa Correa & Santiago Solorzano - 2020 - Minerva 1 (1):13-23.
    In this study a combination of computer tools for coupling and virtual screening is detailed, in 108 active molecules and 3620 decoys to find stabilizers for G quadruplex. To have more precise results, combinations of coupling programs with fifteen energy scoring functions were applied. The validation and evaluation of the metrics was done with the CompScore genetic algorithm. The results showed an increase in BEDROC and EF of 50% compared to other strategies, as well as reflecting early recognition of active (...)
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    Teaching methodologies in times of pandemic.Santiago Felipe Torres Aza, Gloria Isabel Monzón Álvarez, Gianny Carol Ortega Paredes & José Manuel Calizaya López - 2021 - Minerva 2 (4):5-10.
    The current times call for reforms in educational processes. The Covid-19 pandemic had an unforeseen impact on the educational system in all countries. This need for change requires new pedagogies and new methods for teaching and learning. Understanding the need for change is essential for the formulation of adaptive proposals, as well as for the generation of training activities to complement the teaching curriculum. New educational practices lead to a vision of educational quality, with new approaches that allow the continuous (...)
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  45.  17
    Cajal and consciousness: scientific approaches to consciousness on the centennial of Ramón y Cajal's Textura.Pedro C. Marijuán & Santiago Ramón Y. Cajal (eds.) - 2001 - New York: New York Academy of Sciences.
    Machine generated contents note: Cajal and Consciousness: Introduction. By PEDRO C. MARIJUAN1 -- Part I. Consciousness, One Hundred Years after Textura -- Progress in the Neural Sciences in the Century after Cajal (and the Mysteries -- That Remain). By THOMAS D. ALBRIGHT, THOMAS M. JESSELL, -- ERIC R. KANDEL, AND MICHAEL I. POSNER11 -- Part II. Biological Complexity and the Emergence of Consciousness -- Consciousness, Reduction, and Emergence: Some Remarks. -- By MURRAY GELL-MANN41 -- The Epistemic Paradox of Mind and (...)
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  46.  46
    Location of the systems generating REM sleep: Lateral versus medial pons.Jerome M. Siegel & Dennis J. McGinty - 1986 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 9 (3):420-421.
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    J. M. Díaz de Bustamante: Draconcio y sus Carmina Profana. Estudio biográfico, introduction y edición critica. (Monografías de la Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 44.) Pp. 459. Santiago de Compostela: Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 1978. Paper. [REVIEW]J. B. Hall - 1984 - The Classical Review 34 (02):331-.
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    Ètica a Santiago.J. Cp - 1982 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía 3:100-101.
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  49. Ètica a Santiago.P. J. - 1982 - Enrahonar: Quaderns de Filosofía:100-101.
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  50. Contributions of Santiago Ramirez to the History of the Colegio de Mineria.J. Ruiz de Esparza - 1995 - Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science 172:23-28.
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